Chapter 1


What is digital literacy ?

Digital literacy is the set of competencies required for full participation in a knowledge society. It includes knowledge, skills, and behaviors involving the effective use of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of communication, expression, collaboration and advocacy.

- A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control 
of instructions stored in its own memory.
Diagram below describe briefly how the computer works:

a) Laptop

b) Server
c) Desktop

d) Tablet

These are the basic concept of computer :

A computer system is made up of an arrangement of hardware and software components. The physical and tangible parts/components of a computer that can be seen and touched are known as Hardware. Hardware consists of the physical components of a computer system like input devices (keyboard, mouse, scanner etc.), output devices (monitor, printer, speaker etc.), processing device (CPU) and the storage device (Compact disk, hard disk, DVDs etc.).

Software represents the set of programs and instructions that govern the operation of a computer system. A computer system cannot do anything on its own. It must be instructed to perform a specific task and therefore, to solve a problem the user has to specify the sequence of instructions which a computer must follow.  Such a sequence of instructions is called program and is written in a language understood by computer.

Digital security and safety risks and precautions


1. Business
- Businesses can save money by using technology to perform certain tasks. When you compare the amount of money spent on hiring an individual to perform a certain task and to guarantee delivery on time, it is totally expensive. When it comes to technology a small business can scale out and deliver more with less human resource.

2. Communication
- Unlike in the past when communication was limited to letter writing and waiting for those postal services to deliver your message. Today technology has made the field of communications so easy. Now you can draft a business message and email it or fax in a second without any delays, the recipient will get the message an they will reply you instantly.

3. Human relationships
- With technology you can connect and meet new people while at work using social network technology.  Now days people use mobile phone apps to meet and connect with new and old friends. Social networks like , have played a big role in connecting both old and new relationships.

4. Education
- With the invention of technological gadgets and mobile apps which helps students learn easily. Now days you can access a full library via a mobile app on any smart phone or ipad. Before inventing this technology, students had to go to physical libraries to get the information they need. some of these library Apps include.

5. Banking
- Now electronic banking moving money has become so simple. The invention of VISA ELECTRON has made  it simple to move with more money with out having any fears of getting robbed on the way. You can buy any thing with a Visa Electron card, so in this case you don’t have to move with cash.

Thank You for dropping by my blog and May Allah SWT bless you ! :D

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